A leading contemporary British designer with 30 years’ design experience.
“Less is more, but it really is hard to do simple.”——Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon ,RedBank国际事业合伙人,30年设计工作经验,英国当代知名设计师。纽约艺术学生联盟研究设计。在此期间,他学习了更多实质性的设计内容,接触了大量欧洲设计出版物,在思想上受到了欧洲功能主义设计思潮的影响,对国际设计运动有了更深入的了解,使其思想站在当时美国设计师的前列。此后,他开始了平面设计生涯,并很快为《绅士》、《服装艺术》和其他著名时尚艺术杂志设计。他的作品具有很强的视觉效果,因为他理解设计的规则,并具有将简单化为复杂、将复杂化为简单、将普通化为神奇的设计能力。例如,在补色和对比色的处理中,在简单几何图形和复杂有机图形的混合使用中,在细节与整体关系的处理中,上述都在企业形象设计中得到了淋漓尽致的体现。
Tom Dixon, International Business Partner of RedBank,Tom Dixon is a leading contemporary British designer with 30 years’ design experience. He engaged in research design in the Art Students League of New York. During this period, he studied more substantial design content, and was exposed to a large number of European design publications, and thus was influenced ideologically by European functionalist design thinking and gained a deeper understanding of international design movements, putting his thinking at the forefront among American designers at that time. Thereafter, he embarked on a career in graphic design and soon designed for Esquire, Apparel Arts and other prominent fashion and art magazines. His works are visually powerful because he could understand the rules of design and has the ability to turn the simplicity into the complexity, the complexity into the simplicity and the ordinary into the extraordinary. For example, his treatment of complementary and contrasting colors, mix use of simple geometric and complex organic shapes, and treatment of relationship between the detail and the whole are all vividly reflected in corporate image design.